So here in Ontario, Canada we have been shivering under the covers a little later than usual. It is late for me to get my spring herbs in the ground this year, but there has been risk of frost right up until only a week ago. Bottom line is that I know this weekend is the typical “planting” weekend with a mad rush to the local greenhouses for many, but I am a risk taker and usually plant a week or two early and pray to the Mother Nature God to be kind to my herbs and to me.
So hence the reason for the mad rush to the greenhouse yesterday which obviously was also the intentions of every other person in Southwestern Ontario who couldn’t fathom Tuesday morning rolling around without having planted a single stem. What was I thinking!? Would a day really have made a difference? An extra bud on that tomato plant? So instead of leisurely enjoying my trip to the local greenhouse and enjoying a hot brew of fresh coffee while I take in the colors and smells, I instead play a game of tackle football and repeat the word excuse me about a thousand times while I am constantly trying to find a spot where my cart is not in someone’s way. You know what they say about hindsight vision….
Fast forward and here we are today with a few of those herbs planted. The garden vegetable box which my husband built for me a couple years ago. This is totally necessary in my backyard as otherwise my veggies are just a snack to the wildlife that resides behind my house.
Then we have the ground garden. This one sometimes gets a little salty with the salt water pool being only a few feet away. Especially those days with the cannonballs (uhhmm… grandma). The plants in here are hardy chives and onions with creeping thyme.
Next we plant a few in small container pots for the patio or the garden window.
They’re pretty small now but hopefully they will survive my black thumb and we will get to enjoy some of the vibrant flavours they will bring to the table this summer and beyond. If I can grow these veggie’s and herb’s, anyone can! A little sunshine and water will bring plenty rewards!